Business Litigation

The attorneys in Jardim, Meisner & Susser, P.C.’s business litigation practice group are experienced in, and committed to, handling litigation matters concerning claims on various commercial, contractual, and regulatory disputes in business and corporate-related actions. Our business clientele includes large to mid-size corporate entities (corporations, limited liability companies, and partnerships), closely-held businesses, family-owned businesses, policyholders, professionals, and individuals as either plaintiffs or defendants in litigation matters. Such court actions emanate from and center upon disputes dealing with intra- and inter-business and corporate contests, insurance claims, contractual disputes, risk management, and related business real estate litigation.
The proficiency of the attorneys in our Business Litigation Practice Area includes pre-trial proceedings, jury trials, and non-jury bench trials, and appeals in all of the Federal and State Courts of New Jersey, including the Chancery Division and Business Part, for contested business matters involving:
With a specific focus on intra-company disputes, our firm’s attorneys litigate and counsel clients on minority shareholder/membership oppression claims; disassociation actions; “deadlock” shareholder fights; business valuation disputes; proceedings for company dissolution including “wind-down” actions; director/officer liability claims; employment and consulting agreements, fraud; breach of fiduciary duties, and asset purchase/ stock purchase agreements.
The firm’s attorneys in the Business Litigation Practice Area also represent clientele in various alternative forums to traditional court actions, including private and court-appointed arbitrations through the American Arbitration Association (AAA) and other similar arbitration venues, and private mediation for binding resolution. Several of the firm’s attorneys have been appointed as certified arbitrators for the Superior Court of New Jersey, mediators by the Supreme Court of New Jersey, and are experienced with Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedures for litigation claims as an alternative to conventional litigation to resolve disputed matters for clients in an economical manner.

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