
Nothing is more fundamentally important to a free society than the right to vote. Jardim Meisner Salmon Sprague & Susser, P.C. is proud to represent candidates running for political office, as well as providing counseling, guidance, and representation to elected officials in numerous aspects. In addition to elected officials, our attorneys are well-versed in representing a wide variety of clients needing guidance on legal issues surrounding political campaigns and the election process. Whether you are simply a voter, a volunteer, a donor, considering running for office, a current candidate, or are already elected, our attorneys are ready and eager to help. We also represent organizations such as 501(c)(4) entities and Public Action Committees (“PACs”) on various election-related issues, including ballot access, canvassing, advertisements, recounts, and campaign finance.

With multiple attorneys who have previously run and/or been elected to public office, we offer a unique perspective that most law firms cannot match. We have represented and advised individual candidates, coordinated campaigns, political parties, political action committees, and others. We have argued for emergent relief and steadfastly defended our clients’ rights in political nominating conventions. We can help with campaign finance compliance (including under both the Federal Election Commission and the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission), and address issues concerning ballot-access, election law regulation compliance, Election Day supervision, requests for recounts and rechecks, and voter fraud.

We will do whatever it takes to ensure that every voter’s voice is heard, every ballot accurately counted, and otherwise ensuring that our democracy is working. Jardim Meisner Salmon Sprague & Susser, P.C. is excited to work with you to achieve these important goals.

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