
Environmental statutes and regulations govern almost all industries, making it probable that most businesses will face environmental issues, directives, or lawsuits that require advice and counsel. Our Environmental and Toxic Torts practice includes the defense of complex environmental litigation and administrative proceedings, defending petrochemical and pharmaceutical companies, as well as engaging as defense counsel in personal injury and property damage litigation. Our litigation experience spans numerous industries and products, such as chemicals, oil and gas, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals. ​
We have represented diverse businesses in environmental proceedings in state and federal court litigation and arbitration, as well as those involving issuance of a General Notice Letter. In those actions, governmental agencies or private parties seek cost recovery or enforcement for site investigation and remediation based upon claims of air, water, and soil contamination, natural resources damages, and hazardous waste pursuant to both state and federal statutes, including CERCLA, New Jersey Spill Compensation and Control Act, New Jersey Water Pollution Control Act, and the Underground Storage Tank Act. We have also successfully defended and sought cost recovery on behalf of our clients in private contribution claims against responsible parties for such damages.
We also have substantial experience defending corporations, including petrochemical and pharmaceutical companies, in a wide range of product liability and toxic tort litigation alleging exposure to benzene, mercury, lead, silica, asphalt, granite, and asbestos in individual and mass tort actions filed in state court actions and federal (MDL) multi-district litigation.
In addition, we have been engaged as insurance defense counsel in personal injury and property damage litigation on behalf of many industries. Often, these lawsuits intersect with various environmental and toxic tort issues and may involve counts of trespass, negligence, nuisance, strict liability, and various statutory and regulatory violations.

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